Thursday 14 March 2013

Refining my bunting idea

I have continued to photograph the people around me and thinking a lot about the direction my work should take. I seem to be becoming more and more interested in the 'local' aspect behind my project and I am curious about why I am so keen to explore this. I am aware that due to living in Falmouth surrounded by family my entire life, it is a place extremely close to my heart. However, due to anxiety, I have always avoided moving away from home and I wonder whether basing my project on a place where I feel so safe, is perhaps a sort of comfort thing?

I feel that my ideas surrounding modern life's negative impact on community spirit would work really well if I were to focus it around my interest in my local town. I may gather local newspaper articles, old and new, which highlight community spirit in Falmouth and then include that in my work. I feel that by doing this, my work will act as a reminder of what community spirit can achieve and how important it is not to lose it.

I have also been considering where to hang the bunting. I feel that this is just as crucial to the context as the actual bunting itself and, because of this, I have been giving it a lot of thought. Initially, I considered hanging the bunting in a place which used to be known for it's community spirit but has now died out. However, at present my thoughts are going more towards hanging the bunting on The Moor, which is the central, focal point in Falmouth. By displaying it here, I feel my work will attract alot of attention. I may have to contact the town manager and discuss whether this will be possible.

Photographs of The Moor, Falmouth where I may hang my bunting


Below is a photograph of the unveiling of the granite obselisk at The Moor, 1898
 The Municipal building, The Moor, Falmouth, 1940

Practice bunting: