Tuesday 9 April 2013

Bunting progress...

Really excited about how the bunting is coming together. I am looking forward to seeing it hung up in Falmouth and the response it gets.

Below are some images of further progression with my bunting. I am now ready to get my bunting displayed somewhere in Falmouth. I plan to take the bunting out and experiment with possible places as soon as possible. I would like to tackle the large, central area on The Moor and have contacted the Town Manager regarding this but did not get a very positive response.

With this in mind, I have been considering different ways of how best to get my bunting out amongst the public. I have thought about displaying it in empty shop windows, but I do not feel this will show my bunting to its full potential, nor create the social experience/ reaction I am hoping for. I have also been thinking about making my own posts to attach the bunting onto and then positioning the bunting where I feel works best. These are all ideas and factors I need to keep considering.

I have been working in the workshop creating four posts for my bunting. I am now ready to get the bunting out into Falmouth Town. I am still considering the best way to arrange the posts and bunting. Currently, I am thinking that if I were to create a space with the bunting by placing the posts in a square, it would effectively encourage people to come into the space and look at the bunting. Consequently, this will bring people together in a closer environment where conversation may be sparked. I could also use the space as a place to talk to the viewers about their views on community spirit in Falmouth and perhaps, recieve some feedback on my project.
Below is an image of the posts I plan to use.

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