Thursday 21 February 2013

The train journey

During a train ride, an elderly lady sat next to me. I felt really uncomfortable at first as I could sense that she was looking to start a conversation with me. Eventually, she began asking me lots of questions about myself, my course and about my future and I felt as though I was being interviewed. However, after a while it actually felt quite nice that someone was interested in me and I was not just another body on a train.

Reflecting on this experience, I  realised that I never asked her anything about herself and think this was because it was unfamiliar for a stranger to take the time to talk to me. I am used to walking through the street with my head down, travelling with my headphones on and/or my head in my mobile phone. Another thing I did notice was how I went away with an impression of this lady based merely on the way she looked, dressed and sounded but, how could I possibly judge this lady when I asked her nothing about herself?

It really emphasised what I had alreadly been considering.  In society today, people do not make the time to get to know the individuals around them. I would love for my artwork to provide the viewer with a similiar experience to me on that train journey; that someone was interested and took the time to find out something about me.

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