Wednesday 27 February 2013

Throw my own street party?

I have been experimenting with printing onto fabric and used clothing and am really inspired by the outcomes. Used clothing has a personality all of its own with imperfections and character, just like the people printed onto it. Whilst printing onto sections of clothing, it put me in mind of bunting which then, got me thinking about street parties and how they bring people together. I am considering whether throwing my own party could be the perfect step for my current, participatory work.

From this, I decided to research into the history of street parties and collecting images from the War years for events such as, the Children's Peace Celebrations in 1945 and World War Two VE Day in 1945. I also compared them with photographs of modern street parties. After previously speaking to my Nan about how she feels community spirit has died over the years, I feel my work is becoming even more focussed on bringing people together and to act as a reminder of community spirit.

Love thy neighbour no more: Disappearance of community spirit as 70% admit they don't know who lives next door

  • Only 6% say community spirit is strong in their area
  • 51% wouldn't ask neighbour for help
  • Main reason given for decline is lack of time to meet those in the community

    Children's Peace Celebrations in 1945: the street party in Lopen Road, Edmonton (now Enfield).

     World War Two VE Day street party, Argyle Road, Edmonton, 1945

    World War Two VE Day peace party for the roads around Hazel Close, Edmonton, UK

    Queen's Diamond Jubilee, 2012



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