Thursday 14 February 2013

Female Stereotypes

This work encompasses my attitude towards the stereotypes and pressures society places on women today. Within this project, I used unconventional materials and processes to transform my ideas and social commentary into striking, glamorous and well constructed garments. The silhouettes and overall shapes of each garment have been carefully considered in order to embody my concept and accentuate the idea that women are expected to do unglamorous jobs such as housework, yet continue to look flawless and elegant. Also, behind the superficial finery of the gowns, there is a deliberate deception. Despite the fact they appear delicate and alluring, when worn they are, in fact, heavy, uncomfortable and almost a chore to wear, again, mirroring the emotions and feelings females may experience trying to fulfil all of societies' expectations.

In addition to the materials I use, the way in which I create my work is also crucial to the overall concept and perception of each, individual piece. An example of this is the way in which the garments have been made with painstaking perfectionism. I hand stitched thousands of latex gloves and individually attached over four thousand safety pins onto the garments and this process  was extremely mundane, repetitive and, at times, painful. By choosing this method, I wanted to physically experience and embody the monotonous routine which females, like myself, often face whilst completing daily, stereotypical and conventional chores.


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