Thursday 14 February 2013

About me.

I think of my art as a catalyst which sparks thought and consideration. I use mixed media to explore sensitive topics such as Child Sexualisation, Feminism and my latest project, Anxiety. Ultimately, my work confronts the viewer with issues which, I feel, are often avoided by society.
Generally, I use an unconventional and contemporary combination of media to transform these topics into exciting pieces of art. My chosen materials have included textiles, found objects, photography, latex, Plaster of Paris, reverse transfer and spray paint. Essentially, the subject often dictates which materials I use and the form of my work. Thereby, during my Feminism project, I constructed a dress made from thousands of latex gloves to represent the stereotypical, domestic chores expected of women. Obviously, as a mixed media artist, I am always looking for new techniques and approaches, and one of my main sources of inspiration comes from researching the work of other artists. For example, I have been strongly influenced by Annette Messager, Kiki Smith, Susi Macmurray, Tracey Emin and Rose Gerrard. Although they all have a very different approach to their art, it is fundamentally their unusual and contemporary choice of materials which interests me greatly.


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