Monday 25 February 2013

Participatory Practice.

As I previously mentioned, I feel that in order for my studio practice to progress, I should take  a more participatory approach. Therefore, I have handed out labels to individuals and asked them to write something about themselves. By approaching people in this way, I am already taking a step towards getting people involved in my work and, because of this, it makes me consider that maybe the conversation between human beings could, perhaps, become my medium.
 I have also been thinking about the labels and how they, in fact, 'objectify' something or, in this case, someone. Which is ironic because one of the things I have mentioned before is how you can 'label' someone, before actually taking the time to find out about them. Because of this, I am not sure that labels are the right way forward. My work is all about inviting people in and showing them that I am embracing a part of them, not 'labelling' them. This is something I need to re-consider and continue experimenting with.
I am realising that with participatory practice, it requires a lot of contemplation with regards to the most appropriate form to get my message across. I am also feeling a little disheartened as I feel I have very little to show for the amount of thought and time I am putting into it. However, I am really enjoying trying a new, contemporary approach to my work. I am hoping to take my interest in relations between human beings, combine it with my participatory work and create an aesthetically stimulating piece of art.


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