Thursday 21 February 2013

Interactive Art.

I have looked into several interactive artists who share a similar interest in involving the viewer. As a result, I have come across the work of Scott Sona Snibbe who is a media artist, film maker and entrepreneur. He makes real-time interactive art pieces which rely on the involvement of the viewer for their success. After learning more about his work, I have found much of it a little too contrived and predictable at times. However, I am intrigued by how the viewers actually become participants and in so doing, they become an important part of the art. Also, much of Snibbe's motivation is to spur people to participate socially, emotionally, and physically and as I view my work as a catalyst and as a means of making some kind of emotional impact on the viewer, I find his projects extremely inspiring.

A link to an example of Snibbe's work.

DanielRozin is another interactive artist whose involvement of the viewer has fascinated me. As with Scott Sona Snibbe's work, Rozin involves the viewer in the creation of some of his work and, as such, they become the content. However, I find the digitally interactive approach uninspiring, but the participation of the viewer is something I am looking to experiment with in my work and I am really intrigued about where this may take me.

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